Auckland is a good city for surviving a zombie post-apocalypse.

When the zombies strike, typically you’ll see the world’s big cities fall; New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London, Beijing, and so on. But where does Auckland sit in this list? As a post-apocalyptic writer living in New Zealand’s biggest metropolis, I felt it was high time someone looked into it. Here’s how to survive a […]

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Every post-apocalyptic Poke-ball needs a scope.

Pokemon GO came out recently, and unless you’ve been living under a Snorlax, you’ll know that it’s insanely popular. Like, servers can’t handle it, human beings actually LEAVING THE HOUSE to get exercise popular. The real backstory of the Poke-world is cool enough – with god-like Pokemon creating all your favourite regions and characters like many […]

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Just because the world is over doesn't mean you can't have first-world problems.

Now: BEEP BEEP BEEP. It’s your phone going off in the middle of the night because your best friend fell (hard) off the wagon and you forgot to turn the volume off your smartphone. After the apocalypse: BEEP BEEP BEEP. Your only friend in the entire world just texted you to warn that mutants were crawling […]

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