Coming soon: Post-nuclear comedy fiction like you haven't seen before.

Hi, Wastelanders 🙂 There will be a lull in content for a short time on both the Crumble Bulletin and this here blogorama, starting today. The reason being: Book! “Smack-dab, in the Middle of Nowhere” – a mad post-apocalyptic comedy novel set in the same universe as Crumble – is back from its first-round edits, […]

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There are many exciting post-apocalyptic goodies coming soon, so stay tuned.

If you’re interested in the weird, post-apocalyptic world of Crumble and its inhabitants, you’ll love to know that there’s a whole bunch of extra content coming soon over the next year. Want news? You can’t handle the news! The real six o’clock news can be a bit dreary, or pretty downright boring if you ask […]

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