Headline image for Hatching the Phoenix Egg review.

“Hatching the Phoenix Egg” is the sequel to author Joel Horn’s coming-of-age rocket science book “Lost Coast Rocket”, which you can find on Amazon alongside this novel. Where the first book is about the protagonist’s journey into adulthood via rockets and science, this book manages to diverge into the Crumble Blog’s genre – post-apocalyptic fiction. […]

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How many bombs would it take to create a post-nuclear New Zealand?

The nuclear apocalypse. It’s a chilling concept that we haven’t really had to consider since the Cold War (hah, chilling, Cold War…). But however dramatic the concept may be, the simple fact that nuclear warheads exist means there will always be people like me writing about the horrors of the post-nuclear apocalypse. Modern society couldn’t […]

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Auckland is a good city for surviving a zombie post-apocalypse.

When the zombies strike, typically you’ll see the world’s big cities fall; New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London, Beijing, and so on. But where does Auckland sit in this list? As a post-apocalyptic writer living in New Zealand’s biggest metropolis, I felt it was high time someone looked into it. Here’s how to survive a […]

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The world would look very different if half the population were irradiated mutants.

“…kill…me…” It is the siren cry of stereotypical ‘I-shouldn’t-exist’ mutants the world over. Writers of surreal apocalyptic fiction love this crazy stuff and mutants are widely considered to be the norm of the post-nuclear world, but is it possible that these creatures could ever come to be? In the nuclear Wasteland setting of the Crumble […]

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