Just because the world ended, doesn't mean you can't impress your lover on Valentine's.

Just because the world has ended, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy Valentine’s Day. Indeed, February 14 is a day to spend with your beloved or beloveds (no judgement) amid chocolate, heart-shaped cardboard and plenty of the colour red. But should the world one day end and human civilisation descend into the horrid madness of a […]

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Auckland is a good city for surviving a zombie post-apocalypse.

When the zombies strike, typically you’ll see the world’s big cities fall; New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London, Beijing, and so on. But where does Auckland sit in this list? As a post-apocalyptic writer living in New Zealand’s biggest metropolis, I felt it was high time someone looked into it. Here’s how to survive a […]

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Dating doesn't have to be hard, even in the post-apocalypse.

What’s the one thing humans will need to do after blazing missiles of fury come down from the heavens and obliterate everything you’ve ever known and cared about? No, the answer isn’t ‘wander around the nuclear Wasteland with a cool hat like some fictional post-apocalyptic hero‘. The answer is: Repopulate the Earth. Bow chica–oh god, […]

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Just because the world is over doesn't mean you can't have first-world problems.

Now: BEEP BEEP BEEP. It’s your phone going off in the middle of the night because your best friend fell (hard) off the wagon and you forgot to turn the volume off your smartphone. After the apocalypse: BEEP BEEP BEEP. Your only friend in the entire world just texted you to warn that mutants were crawling […]

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