Headline image for Hatching the Phoenix Egg review.

“Hatching the Phoenix Egg” is the sequel to author Joel Horn’s coming-of-age rocket science book “Lost Coast Rocket”, which you can find on Amazon alongside this novel. Where the first book is about the protagonist’s journey into adulthood via rockets and science, this book manages to diverge into the Crumble Blog’s genre – post-apocalyptic fiction. […]

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A few of apocalyptic sci-fi novel "Man of War".

I’m not all about the post-nuclear apocalypse. Sometimes, reading alternative examinations of humanity’s end is refreshing, and even a little inspiring. Although I’m not a big fan of ‘aliens take over the Earth, oh no run – they so powerful and we so weak (but we still win in end, yes we do)’, I decided […]

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A review of post-apocalyptic novel "Home"

“Home” is the first part of a series of post-apocalyptic stories that I just started reading on Kindle, penned by author Tom Abrahams. Whilst recently romping around the Scottish Highlands, I took a look at this introductory novel to see what it was like… What is “Home” about? Without giving anything away, “Home” follows the […]

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