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What the hell is the Crumble Bulletin?

Imagine a world where bombs dropped who knows how long ago, and society is slowly piecing itself back together. Starvation, radiation and mutation are all rampant, but the people of this desolate, awful Wasteland do their best to survive. Even if that means eating poor grandma.

Now imagine you live in a shitty little town in this Waste that has somehow managed to withstand all the crap and form a genuine – if not weird – community. Throw in angry, giant monsters, man-eating trees, powerful robots and a dashing hero or two. You’ve got Crumble.

Crumble is a magical place. If by magical I mean truly god-awful.

Crumble is a magical place. If by magical I mean truly god-awful.

Why should I read the Crumble Bulletin?

The Crumble Bulletin itself is an ongoing work of online post-apocalyptic fiction – a series of stories about this rotting town and its attempts to survive. I’ve been telling it through the use of bulletin posts, which include articles about the town, important updates, local advertisements and plenty more. It plays with a lot of similar concepts to works like “Fallout”, “A Boy and his Dog” and “Borderlands”, though focussing not on a brave hero, but rather the type of town that said hero would waltz into, rob and then leave for dead.

In fact, Issue #1 “A Hero Comes to Town” was all about that very idea. Heroes in Crumble’s world are what video game players would be like – doing as they please, with nobody quite strong enough to stop them. When one of these so-called adventurers comes to Crumble, things start to go very wrong. Through the sequence of bulletin updates and blog posts, a story unfolds that escalates into destruction, blood lust and plenty of good old-fashioned violence.

Check out the first post of Issue #1 and read through! You’ll soon learn to love the characters, or if not, perhaps at least laugh maniacally as their world comes crumbling down around them time and time again.

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