Author updates

Out of action for a bit, but back into it!

When I posted back in August that there was going to be a lull in content because “Smack-dab, in the Middle of Nowhere” is incoming, I didn’t expect the lull in content to be due to anything else.

Well, I dun’ borked my wrists. It’s meant that I’ve been effectively unable to write for the past couple weeks 🙁 But thanks to some physio and a brand new desk set-up, all your favourite post-apocalyptic fictional comedy is coming back soon. And by ‘your favourite’ I really mean ‘all the post-apocalyptic fictional comedy you’ve sort of seen on this blog, but don’t pay heaps of attention to’.

Check out all my new stuff! It's so soft and ergonomicy...

Check out all my new stuff! It’s so soft and ergonomicy…

What the hellamundo happened?

When I was 11 years old and really into roller skating, I decided to pop down to my local town skatepark as was cool at the time. Though there were many more possible routes I could have taken to get there, I decided the most logical path to my pre-teen glory was through a moderately quiet car park.

On wheels of an angel I glided through said car park until everything went critically wrong. I swooshed out from behind a truck, forgetting to look both ways like a sensible human and presuming the world would stop for me. Unfortunately, my haste to be amazing put me right in the path of a bright red courier van…

Disaster struck. Literally, it struck. Pretty hard, too.

Dumb story short, I fractured both of my wrists, recovered in about six weeks and went on my merry way to awkwardness and puberty. However, now I’m in my mid-twenties, type for a living and realise that perhaps it all didn’t heal quite so successfully. Though I’ve gone from thinking I’m cool because I skate to thinking I’m cool because I write post-nuclear fiction, alas, wrist damage has prevailed.

I’ll be easing back into everything over the next month, with “Smack-dab, in the Middle of Nowhere” slated to finish its second draft before the end of the year. I’ve got plenty more content planned, too, so stay tuned!

But not too closely … because you’ll get bugger all content whilst I slowly weep, gripping wrist strengthening thingies to get my coolness back.

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