Author updates

Author update: “Smack-dab” and other content!

Yo yo diggiest of dogs, it is I  – Duncan P. Pacey, the writer of this post-apocalyptic blog.

I’m pausing the regular weird Crumble Blog content to bring you a little update on how everything is going, and what to expect from the coming, most glorious year of 2017.


Back in October, I was balls-deep in the second draft of “Smack-dab, in the Middle of Nowhere”, but I waded out too far. Thanks to a dandy little bit of RSI, I was out of action – but I can tell you, after going to a physio more or less every week since then, I’m back on track.

After going to a physio more or less every week since then, I’m back on track.

The injury will never truly go away, because the lovely thing about injuries is that they make you more likely to suffer injuries…, but I’m writing a lot more again, and planning big things for the coming year.

“Smack-dab” in the middle of writing

My debut Kindle novel, “Smack-dab, in the Middle of Nowhere” is now entering its third draft state. What this means is that most of the worst first-draft issues have been patched over with Band-aids, and now I’m beginning to refine the core plot and characters of the story to release it in its best possible condition.

I’m beginning to refine the core plot and characters of the story to release it in its best possible condition.

So if you’re interested in post-nuclear fiction about the gloriously angry Bert, her trusty-but-cocky hero-turned-chef Phoenix, and the innocently minded, giant mutant Meatsack, stay tuned. I’m hoping for a mid-year release, and you can be sure it will be pimped like crazy on this blog and my social media pages.

New content in the not-apocalypse

In non-apocalyptic news, I’m also putting together the beginnings of a new project, which will blossom into a full-blown company unless disaster strikes. Now I admit it’s fully possible that disaster will strike, but at this point I’m moving forwards with optimism – otherwise the dread will set in, and then I may as well just stay in bed.

At this point I’m moving forwards with optimism – otherwise the dread will set in, and then I may as well just stay in bed.

I don’t want to reveal too much about my plans just yet – in case they change dramatically during the budding ideation phase – but you can expect to see some pretty epic animated content coming to an internet near you, and I’m also looking at investing in streaming, live-action comedy and podcasting, too.

It’s gonna be a busy year, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

If you’d like to stay in the loop about some awesome comedy content coming up and coming out, stay tuned to Duncan P. Pacey’s Facebook and Twitter pages below, or Subscribe to this blog!

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